Computer-aided design (CAD) uses computers to design, modify, create or analyze a design. CAD software is commonly used by architecture, engineering, and construction companies. For a high-level overview of how FME can help you with CAD data, see our website.
CAD Terminology
Attributes/Tag: Attached to block entities/elements in the form of a label or tag
Block/Cell: A collection of entities that are combined together to form a single block entity
Entity/Element: A single drawn object in a CAD file. Maybe a block, line, point, text, etc.
Extended Entity Data (Xdata): Application-driven information that users can attach to any entity.
External Reference (Xrefs): A way of importing drawings that keep them independent from the current drawing.
Layer/Level: User-defined groupings of entities that may have style or format characteristics and may reference other layers (Xrefs)
MSLink: A correspondence between a row in a table and an element.
Object Data: Attribute data that are attached to individual objects that is stored in tables within the drawing
Property Sets: A definition that specifies characteristics of a group of properties that are associated with an object.
Getting Started Articles
Tutorial: Getting Started with AutoCAD
- Viewing and Inspecting AutoCAD DWG Data: Grouping Entities
- Viewing and Inspecting AutoCAD DWG Data: Handling Blocks
- How to Convert DWG to DGN (AutoCAD to Microstation)
- How to convert SHP to DWG (Esri Shapefile to AutoCAD)
- Basic DWG Block Handling Example: Exploding Block Entities (DWG to PDF)
- Basic DWG Block Handling Example: Preserving Block Entities (DWG to SHP)
AutoCAD DWG - Which format should I use?
Tutorial: Microstation Transformations
- CAD to GIS: Convert Parcel Lines and Text from DGN to Geodatabase
- GIS to CAD: Convert Parcel Polygons and Lines from Geodatabase to DGN
- Reading MicroStation (DGN) Tags with FME
- Writing Microstation (DGN) Tags with FME
- Handling MicroStation (DGN) Dimensions
- Writing Microstation (DGN) Text Nodes with FME
- MicroStation Text Styles in FME
Intermediate Articles
Tutorial: AutoCAD Transformations
- Give Your DWG Some Style: Using the DWGStyler, template files, blocks and more
- Reading and Writing AutoCAD Text & MText Features
- Working with AutoCAD Layouts
AutoCAD DWG Block Attribute Extraction
How to Convert DGN to Shapefile (CAD Levels to GIS Attributes)
How to retain CAD symbology and text in database formats
Overview of MicroStation Design Format
Reading Basic Geodatabase Annotation - GDB to DWG
Using the FME CityGML Importer for Autodesk
Advanced Articles
Before completing the following articles be sure to work through the Getting Started Articles first.
AutoCAD Validation and Quality Assurance
Convert Raster Images to CAD Using Potrace
MicroStation Cells to AutoCAD Blocks
Reading AutoCAD Map 3D Object Data
Format Documentation
Autodesk AutoCAD DWG/DXF Reader/Writer
Autodesk AutoCAD DWF Reader/Writer
Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D Reader
Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D Object Data Reader/Writer
Bentley MicroStation Design Reader/Writer
Esri Mapping Specification for CAD (MSC) Reader/Writer
Additional Resources
3 Tips for Total CAD-GIS Integration
3 Ways to Convert Raster Images to Vector for CAD/GIS
9 Reasons You Should Have a Data Integration Plan
CAD to GIS: Bridging the Chasm
Digital Plan Submissions: How To Build Automated CAD-GIS Workflows
Feeling CAD-fused or GIS-organized? (CAD to GIS)
GIS to CAD Conversion in Two Parts
How Converting CAD to GIS Starts in Preschool
How to Convert CAD to GIS while
How to Convert GIS to CAD while Maintaining Data Quality
Nuclear BIM: Forsmark Integrates CAD, GIS, BIM, and Non-Spatial
Preserving Rich Data Structures
Ultimate Guide to CAD & GIS Integration
Bridging the Gap Between CAD and GIS
CAD and GIS: Connecting Two Worlds
CAD Standards by the Use of Civil 3D to Enterprise GIS
Cloud to CAD - with FME nothing can go bad
Conversion of CAD Drawings and Shape Files to Oracle Objects
First Time User with Creating a Simple Yet Effective Workspace
From BIM, CAD to GIS to Mobile Device: Converting SFO Interior Data to IMDF
Managing Floorplans with AutoCAD and ArcGIS Using FME
The Joys of APIs & FME - Integrating CAD Documents to GIS from a Document Management System
Transforming AutoCAD Data to Smallworld with FME
Transforming Civil3D Data into ArcGIS Geodatabase Format
Using FME to Validate CAD File Submittals for Utilities
FME Hub Templates
CAD to GIS - Converting Text to Attributes
GIS to CAD - Symbolizing CAD Data
Automated Bulk Conversion of 250,000+ CAD and Corresponding Raster Files to PDF - FME UC 2017 [34:05]
CAD to GIS: Converting DGN to Esri Geodatabase [3:42]
Converting CAD (IBM TRIRIGA) to IMDF for iOS Indoor Mapping [1:31]
Finding the Shortest Path for GIS, CAD, and other Spatial Data [7:53]
GIS to CAD Demo: MapInfo TAB to Microstation DGN [2:54]
How to convert DGN to SHP (CAD cells and labels to GIS points) [5:24]
How to convert DGN to SHP (CAD levels to GIS attributes) [3:27]
How to determine Spatial Relations for CAD, GIS, and other data [3:12]
Improving Data Integration and Quality through Digital Uploads - FME UC 2017 [23:55]
Processing Building Plans Faster and More Thoroughly using FME Server [14:01]
5 Tips for Integrating CAD Data with Esri ArcGIS [1:03:51]
BIM Workflows: How to Build from CAD & GIS for Infrastructure [1:04:47]
How to Automate CAD & GIS Integration [1:00:12]
How to Overcome 7 Top AutoCAD Road 'Blocks' [1:04:34]
Leveraging Autodesk Products with FME: AutoCAD to GIS is Only the Beginning [1:05:11]
FME Creates Large AutoCAD DXF Files
AutoCAD Map 3D Object Data translation fails with 32-bit FME 2017+
Installing FME changed the file associations of my Mapinfo/Autocad/Microstation etc files
FME Fails to Write Coordinate System to Autodesk Map 3D Dataset
FME Desktop 2018.0+ cannot extend Autodesk Map 3D and Civil 3D
Known Issues
For a list of Known Issues, see the following articles: 2021.x, 2020.x, 2019.x, 2018.x, 2017.x
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