Importing CityGML to Autodesk Infraworks, Infraworks360, and Map 3D

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson
  • Updated

FME Version


Autodesk InfraWorks and InfraWorks360 provide context for designs through reality-capture data. AutoCAD Map 3D provides model-based GIS and mapping features to support planning, design, and data management. While both InfraWorks and Map 3D have the ability to import from many file-based and database sources to create a base model, CityGML is an exception where FME can help.

CityGML is a data model and exchange format for 3D models of cities and landscapes. CityGML provides modeling of all relevant parts of the virtual city according to their semantics, geometry, topology and appearance.

What was previously known as the CityGML Importer has been deprecated and is no longer offered. To access the same functionality more easily, we have provided the workspaces for download in this article.


  • The CityGML to Map 3D workspace can only be run on a Windows environment due to the platform dependency for the Map 3D format
  • FME Form


This article provides two completed workspaces, previously referred to as the CityGML Importer:
  • CityGML to AutoCAD Map 3D via the Autocad Object Data Writer: CityGML_to_Map3D.fmw
  • CityGML to IMX using a Startup Python script and PythonCaller: CityGML_to_IMX.fmw

The sample data also includes:
  • A sample CityGML file of 3D textured buildings
  • A sample template DWG file for the AutoCAD Map 3D writer

How to Use the CityGML Importer Workspaces

The importer workspaces are designed to work with your CityGML file(s). If you are demoing this importer, we have provided sample datasets, which are also available in the Files section of this article.

1. Choose the Appropriate Workspace and Download
Of the two workspaces, select the workspace you want depending on whether you want to import your data into Autodesk Map 3D or into Infraworks.

If you are importing into Autodesk Map 3D, please use the CityGML_to_Map3D.fmw workspace. If you are importing into Infraworks, please use the CityGML_to_IMX.fmw workspace.

2. Open the Workspace in FME Workbench
Open the workspace in FME Workbench. Run the workspace to pull up a dialog to select your Source CityGML File(s), and configure the parameters highlighted in red.

For writing to AutoCAD Map 3D, specify the output path and filename in the parameter AutoCAD MAP File to Add CityGML To. For writing to IMX, specify the output and filename in the parameter, Destination IMX File.

3. Run the Workspace
After selecting the source file(s) and configuring the parameters, click Run in the dialog to finish running the workspace.

4. Import the Output File to Autodesk
If you ran the CityGML_to_Map3D.fmw workspace, open Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D to import your output DWG file created from FME.

If you ran the CityGML_to_IMX.fmw workspace, open Autodesk Infraworks to import your output IMX file created by FME.


Data Attribution

Data used in this article originates from open data made available by the the City of Austin, Texas. It contains data licensed under the Public Domain Dedication License - City of Austin.

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