FME Flow Troubleshooting: Connecting to FME Flow From FME Workbench

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson
  • Updated

Full Guide: FME Flow Troubleshooting Guide

Are you encountering issues:

  • Creating a web connection to FME Flow (formerly FME Server)
  • Publishing a workspace to FME Flow
  • Downloading a workspace
  • Calling FME Flow from a transformer
  • Accessing Repository or Resource

Please read below for some common troubleshooting tips, questions and resources.

In 2023, FME Server underwent a name change and is now known as FME Flow. Since this article discusses features present in previous versions of FME, it will refer to both names interchangeably, using the appropriate product name based on the year the feature was introduced. For more information on the rebranding, see our website

Content Overview

Initial Troubleshooting
Common Issues
Known Issues
Are you still experiencing issues?
Have ideas on how to improve this?


Initial Troubleshooting

  • Can you authenticate your Web Connection to FME Flow? If you edit your web connection you can test with the authenticate button.
  • Can you connect to the FME Flow Web Interface in a browser from the machine that you are using workbench on?
  • Have you tried the hostname, the fully qualified domain name (FQDN), and IP address? Try testing with the HTTPCaller transformer and GET method on the URL variations (ex. http://<hostname>/fmeserver) for more clues. 
  • Are you getting 40X errors?
  • Is your FME Flow older than your FME Form (formerly FME Desktop)? If so you will need a newer or equal version to that of the publishing workbench.
  • Is your FME Flow using a proxy? FME Proxy Troubleshooting Guide.
  • Is your problem specific to the FMEFlowJobSubmitter?


Common Issues

"Error communicating with FME Flow"

  • Restart FME Flow: Restart the FME Services on the Flow through the GUI or manually restart the services as described here. Once you have confirmed that FME Flow is running, try publishing again.
  • Check the URL:
    • Make sure to enter the non-standard port in the URL: http://<host>:<port> if you are using one.
    • Make sure to include https with non-standard port in the URL: https://<host>:<port>; if your FME Flow is configured for HTTPS
  • Use the Web Connection with a Proxy Server: If your internet access comes to you via a proxy server, please try the following:
    • Configure FME Workbench to use your system proxy settings by going to Tools > FME Options > Network and check the box that says Use system proxy settings. Fill in the authentication information if required by your proxy server.
    • Test that the proxy settings are working in FME Workbench by going to Help - Check for Updates. If FME cannot check for updates then you may need to ensure that your system is configured to use your proxy server. Save your workspace if necessary.
    • Restart FME Workbench.
    • Try again to publish your workspace to FME Flow.
  • Problem publishing to FME Flow using Web connection: error communicating with FME Flow, FME Flow may not be running. See this article .


"Getting a 401 or 404 from FME Workbench (web connection)"

  • Does the URL works in a web browser, and you can successfully log in? If so, make sure you're only including the server host name/root URL (remove any /fmeserver... from the URL)
  • Check out this Q&A for reasons behind error codes.


"User credentials are incorrect. Login failed (Not Authenticated) - Ensure that credentials are correct, and that user has sufficient privileges when publishing workspace to FME Flow"

  • The user account does not have publishing permissions. Have the administrator add the permissions from the FME Flow Web UI in User Management > Users. Select the user and edit Permissions to include create in repositories or edit by adding a role to the user which has permissions to the repository of choice.
  • If FME Flow is configured for HTTPS , see Troubleshooting: Configuring for HTTPS/SSL


Known Issues

"FMEJobSubmitter unable to connect to FME Server after upgrading to 2021.x"

  • After upgrading FME Server from 2020.x or older to 2021.x or newer, the FMEServerJobSubmitter fails to submit jobs with error messaging similar to "Failed to submit request to run workspace...unable to connect to FME Server". Please see Known Issues article for details on cause and resolution options. 


Are you still experiencing issues?

Please consider posting to the FME Community Q&A if you are still experiencing issues that are not addressed in this article. There are also different support channels available.


Have ideas on how to improve this?

You can add ideas or product suggestions to our Ideas Exchange.




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