Working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and FME

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson
  • Updated

FME Version


Amazon Web Services (AWS) provide a great set of tools for cloud computing, many of which require data in order to be useful. The FME platform has a wide range of functionality available for working with AWS. In addition, the FME Cloud product runs entirely within AWS.


FME and AWS Integrations

The following is a list of what AWS components can be integrated with FME. In addition, links to any tutorials and documentation we have. 

AWS Component FME Component Tutorials & Documentation
S3 FME Desktop: 
Using the S3Connector transformer, list, download, upload, and delete data from an S3 bucket. 

FME Server:
Watch an S3 Bucket or upload to a bucket. 
EC2 Install FME on an EC2 virtual machine instance. 

FME Cloud is hosted in EC2
SQS FME Desktop:
Using the SQSConnector transformer, send, receive, delete, and count messages. 

FME Server:
Trigger an automation when an SQS message arrives, or send an SQS message. 
SNS FME Desktop:
Using the SNSSender transformer, notify a topic. 

FME Server:
Trigger an automation when a topic is notified or notify a topic. 
Aurora Amazon Aurora Spatial and Non-Spatial readers and writers.
Athena AmazonAthenaConnector transformer used to query S3 buckets
Redshift Amazon Redshift Spatial and Non-Spatial readers and writers
DynamoDB Amazon DynamoDB reader and writer



How to Create an Amazon Web Services Web Connection

The S3Connector, SNSSender, SQSConnector, AmazonAthenaConnector, and DynamoDB reader/writer all use the Amazon Web Services web connection. To learn how to set up the connection, follow the instructions below.

1. Open FME Workbench
In FME Workbench, navigate to Tools > FME Options (Windows) or FME Workbench > Preferences (macOS). 

In the FME Options dialog, switch to Web Connections, then click on the plus sign (+) to create a new connection. 

2. Create the Web Connection
In the Edit Web Connection dialog, set Web Service to Amazon Web Services, then give the connection a meaningful name. Next, you’ll need to log into your Amazon console and obtain your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. Once you have obtained those, enter them into the Web Connection dialog. Finally, set your Region. Click OK to finish creating the web connection. 

3. Use the Web Connection
This web connection can be used throughout FME workflows and uploaded to FME Server. To use the web connection, add one of the various Amazon transformers, readers or writers to the canvas, then for Connection, click on the drop-down and select the newly created Amazon Web Services connection. 


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