Working with FME and Web Data, Services, and Protocols

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson
  • Updated


Many formats and protocols exist for exchanging information over the web, each one specialized for different use cases, such as storing big data, sending notifications in real time, or acting as a layer of communication between applications.

FME can connect to a wide variety of web data, services, and protocols, including:

  • Web resources. FME can create and consume static data on the web, such as images, XML, Shapefiles, AutoCAD DWG, GeoJSON, Web Map Tiles, PDFs, and more.
  • Web services. FME can connect to and create web services, such as a REST API.
  • Webhooks. FME can create and consume webhook URLs, allowing applications to send real-time information from one to another.
  • WebSockets. A WebSocket is a browser-based client-server communication method ideal for real-time updates. FME supports WebSockets through Automations and Notification Service publishers and subscribers.


How FME Supports Web Data, Services, and Protocols

FME has native support for many formats and services through Readers, Writers, and Transformers (usually Connector transformers, e.g. DropboxConnector and S3Connector). Search the Transformer list, Formats list, and FME Hub to find all natively supported web and cloud types.

For those not natively supported, the HTTPCaller transformer is helpful. Users can create custom transformers to add support for any web service. Examples of custom transformers published to FME Hub include the ArcGISOnlineGeoenricher and PusherRunner.

In FME Flow Automations, WebSockets, Webhooks, and other connections can be added as Triggers and/or Actions.



Web Resources Articles

Web Services Articles

Webhooks Articles

WebSockets Articles


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