FME Flow Troubleshooting: Packages

Kezia Yu
Kezia Yu
  • Updated

Full Guide: FME Flow Troubleshooting Guide

FME Flow (formerly FME Server) can upload and install packages found on FME Hub. If you’re encountering issues with packages on FME Flow, please read the sections below for some common troubleshooting tips, questions, and resources.

In 2023, FME Server underwent a name change and is now known as FME Flow. Since this article discusses features present in previous versions of FME, it will refer to both names interchangeably, using the appropriate product name based on the year the feature was introduced. For more information on the rebranding, see our website

This article is for troubleshooting in FME Flow. If you are experiencing issues with packages in FME Form, please see FME Form Troubleshooting: Packages

Initial Troubleshooting

If you’ve experienced a problem with FME Flow and packages, some initial troubleshooting questions are:

  • Does this package work in FME Form (formerly FME Desktop)? Is the translation successful in FME Workbench?
  • Am I uploading the package when publishing the workspace to FME Flow?
  • Has this ever worked for me? If yes, what changed between then and now?
  • Is this issue intermittent or consistent?
  • Are there error messages?
  • Does the log file have any information?
  • What type of FME Flow installation do I have?
  • What version of FME Flow am I running?
  • If I restart FME Flow, does it work?
  • What is my Python Interpreter and Python Compatibility set to? 
  • What troubleshooting steps have I taken already?

Known Issues

Packages and Linked Custom Transformers Error

Cause: FMESERVER - 17744. FME Flow cannot extract packages properly if they are inside a linked custom transformer.  

  1. Publish the workspace with the custom transformer embedded first. 
  2. Run the workspace on FME Flow to extract the package components. 
  3. Edit workspace to link the custom transformer with the package. 
  4. Republish the workspace and the linked custom transformer to the repository. The package should now be able to reference the module successfully.

Python Interpreter and Python Compatibility Settings

Cause: FMEENGINE- 71485. Remove Python 2.7 support for all FME Package plugins. Please check the History tab of the package on FME Hub to see if Python 2.7 support was removed in the version. 
Resolution:  All new versions of FME Packages will run on FME 2022.0 and newer without issues. For FME versions older than 2022.0, new versions in a workspace may cause failures if the workspace Python Compatibility is set to Python 2.7.  Packages will now require Python 3.5+,  Python 3.6+ or Python 3.9+  to load successfully.

Manual Upload of packages is not supported in FME Flow 2023.0 and above

Cause: Packages are not correctly registered when uploaded using the Web UI in FME Flow 2023.0 and above. 
Resolution:  In previous versions of FME Server (2022.2 and below), packages could be uploaded using the Web UI and could be utilized by the FME Engines.  In 2023.0, a redesign occurred that requires packages to be published using FME Form, where they are registered with FME Flow's environment.  We are currently collecting information to determine the impact of this change as most customers will not be impacted because they use FME Form to publish workspaces and packages. If you have a deployment strategy that involves manually uploading workspaces and packages via the Web UI or API v3, please contact Safe Software Support.


Common Issues  

After publishing the workspace to FME Flow, I got the error message: “Python  Exception <ModuleNotFoundError>: No module named ‘fmepy_<package component>’”

Cause: When a package is published, the .fpkg file gets uploaded to Resources> Engine and the first time a workspace is run that contains a component of this package, it will extract the contents of the .fpkg and distribute it across a series of subfolders within Resources> Engine> Packages. Sometimes, this extraction process does not complete successfully, but it will not retry and instead reports missing modules. 
Resolution: Please see FME Flow and Packages: Python Exception <ModuleNotFoundError>

I want to update the package on FME Flow without having to deploy the package to FME Flow via the Publish to FME Flow wizard.

Resolution: Only supported FME Flow 2022.2 and older:  An alternative option is to upload the package file (.fkpg) directly into Resources > Engine to install a new or updated package. It is important to note that upgrading a package on FME Flow wouldn’t update the formats of transformers used inside the existing workspaces. To have a workspace use the next version of a package-based format or transformer you would need to open the workspace in Workbench and explicitly upgrade it. 

I want to uninstall packages from FME Flow.


  1. Go to Resources > Engine and delete the fpkg file for the package name and version you want to remove.
  2. Then go into Resources > Engine > Packages > <fmebuild>-<OS>, and look in each of the subfolders for a folder named after the package and version. Remove any folders (or files) that match the name and version of the package you are removing.

Additional Resources


Are you still experiencing issues? 

Please consider posting to the FME Community Q&A if you are still experiencing issues that are not addressed in this article. There are also different support channels available. If you opt to submit a case, please provide as many answers to the questions in the Initial Troubleshooting section along with attachments of the failed FME Flow job log, the successful FME Workbench translation log and your workspace to help reproduce the error.

Have ideas on how to improve this? 

You can add ideas or product suggestions to our Ideas Exchange

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