FME Flow Troubleshooting: “FME Flow is not ready yet. Try again later."

Dami Obasa
Dami Obasa
  • Updated

You may encounter the error message “FME Flow is not ready yet. Try again later." when you go to the FME Flow web UI.

Typically, this error means that an FME Flow Core cannot connect to the database. More details on the error can be found mostly in the fmeserver.log or the fmeprocessmonitorcore.log. See About Log Files in FME Flow to learn more about where to find logs.

This article lists common error messages that are often the root cause of the "not ready" message. You may find these error messages when reviewing the FME Flow core log files mentioned above.


Password Authentication Failed

Error message 

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "fme-flow"



1. Restart the server

In some cases, a simple restart might resolve this error as there might be stuck processes from the installation


2. Confirm the database credentials

Confirm that the database credentials entered during the installation are correct by manually connecting to the FME Flow system database with them. The FME Flow system database is a postgres database running on port 7082 (by default) and should be accessible with the pgAdmin tool.


3. Check the PowerShell Policy

PowerShell execution policies, either set through Group Policy or in PowerShell, may prevent the FME Flow installer's PowerShell scripts from running and creating the database. For details and resolution, please see Known Issue: PowerShell Execution Policy Prevents Installation of FME Flow


4. Check the Firewall

In some cases, the issue might be that the database was not installed correctly due to firewall restrictions. Firewall policies to look out for are any that restrict external applications from communicating with your internal network during your installation. Check the firewall and antivirus logs for the period when the FME Flow installation occurred for potential clues.


Post-Install Scripts Error

After the FME Flow installer finishes, post-install scripts will be run and logged in fmeserver.log.

Error Message java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: \\sharelocation\key\fme_flow.jceks.tmp



If the FME Flow system share UNC path is expecting authenticated access (and not "Everyone" with Read Write access) then likely you will need to ensure all FME Flow services are running with a service account (or user) that has the appropriate local permissions (admin group) and access to the UNC share. 

This means the FME Flow Application Server, FME Flow Core, and FME Flow Engine services have the "log on as" update with the appropriate user account, and that account has proper read/write access to the shared drive location.

For more details, please see Running the FME Flow System Services Under Different Accounts (Windows)


Additional Troubleshooting

Confirm all necessary ports are open and that no other application is using a port needed by FME Flow. See the FME Flow Ports documentation. 



If the error persists, please send the core logs to FME Support, which is located in:


Most important are the fmeserver.log or the fmeprocessmonitorcore.log 

Please also let us know:

  • The FME Flow version and build number
  • Is your domain service account part of the local administrator's group?
  • Was the software installed by a user with administrator’s rights?

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