Known Issue: Executing Python scripts that change locale will result in unexpected errors in FME 2022.0

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson

FME Version

Known Issue ID FMEENGINE-72009
Discovered 2022.0
Affects 2022.0 and newer
Resolved N/A


When executing Python scripts in FME 2022.0 and newer that change the system locale, such as import arcpy or locale.setlocale(), unexpected errors may occur due to a conflict with FME using UTF-8. For more information on UTF-8 in FME 2022, please see this article. It is advised to avoid changing the locale if at all possible


With FME 2022.0 and newer, FME will process all workspaces using UTF-8 as the encoding for most string data when running on Windows 10+ or Windows Server 2019+, this allows for FME to execute workspaces that are created in different locales and will help minimize locale issues. 

When running a Python script that changes the locale, this will conflict with FME’s ability to use UTF-8, and will put the FME process in a bad state, which may result in unexpected errors in the translation. For more information on changing the locale in Python, please see this article


If you need to set a locale for a particular script or are using a script that changes the locale (import arcpy), you can set the locale back to UTF within the same PythonCaller to ensure FME continues using UTF-8. 


import arcpy
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, ".utf8")

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  • Comment author

    Should setting the locale back to utf8 in the python caller remove the warning?


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