Tutorial: Getting Started with 3D and 3D Transformations

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson
  • Updated

FME Version


FME supports reading and writing many different 3D formats and also provides a wide range of transformers to create and alter 3D data to match different requirements. FME also models whatever complexities are inherent in the data attribute and geometry structures. In this tutorial we will have a look at different representations of 3D data within FME, demonstrate some common workflows and explore their underlying transformations.



Getting Started with 3D

Inspecting 3D Data

Find out how to be more effective with your 3D data by visualizing and exploring it using the FME Data Inspector.

Creating simple 3D models from extruded building outlines

This example demonstrates a common workflow to create a simple 3D model from 2D CAD source data. The results can be displayed in Google Earth after writing them to a KML file.

Using point clouds to create a terrain model with buildings

This example creates a surface model TIN and extracts building heights using point cloud data.


3D Transformations

Add Appearances to a 3D City Model

This model reads 3D buildings from CAD, uses point cloud from LAS to generate terrain, adds appearance textures from GeoTIFF orthophotos, and then styles the buildings by height before writing to 3D PDF.


Extract Layers from Traits and Swap Appearances

This example demonstrates how to extract the original layers of a Sketchup file and work with appearances. Since the Adobe PDF Reader supports layers and has the capability to show and hide them, it can be very useful to extract the layers in Sketchup files before writing to 3D PDF.


Adding Different Textures to a 3D City Model

Add different raster textures to the roofs and walls of a 3DS city model and write to a 3D PDF. Learn how to separate the roofs and walls of buildings by using the PlanarityFilter to create surface normals. These can then be filtered out into roof and wall faces using the TestFilter.


Creating a Textured CityGML Model

Create a simple, textured CityGML model from a 3DS model. Learn how to make a custom transformer to build a proper CityGML hierarchy and attributes.


Preserving Textures and Georeferencing

Transform a textured CityGML model to KML. The MeshMerger is used to create a single mesh out of all features before they reprojected to LL84 and written out to KML.


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