Known Issue: REALDWG Module Unavailable in FME Flow 2024.2.0

Nia Colebrooke
Nia Colebrooke
  • Updated

FME Version

Known Issue ID FOUNDATION-568
Discovered FME Flow 2024.2.0
Affects FME Flow 2024.2.0
Resolved FME Flow 2024.2.1



Jobs with AutoDesk AutoCAD readers/writers using RealDWG succeed in FME Form 2024.2.0 but fail in FME Flow 2024.2.0 with the following error:

Library '<FMEFlowDir>\Server\fme\plugins/realdwg/REALDWG.dll' was found but could not be loaded. Ensure that all the dependent modules exist for this library
Could not load module '<FMEFlowDir>\Server\fme\plugins/realdwg/REALDWG.dll' : 'The specified module could not be found'
Could not load module '<FMEFlowDir>\Server\fme\realdwg/REALDWG.dll' : 'The specified module could not be found'
Module 'realdwg/REALDWG' is unavailable for use with this FME edition

The AutoDesk AutoCAD reader/writer pairs affected are:

  • Autodesk AutoCAD RealDWG DWG/DXF (REALDWG)
  • Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D Object Data (AUTOCAD_OD)
  • Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D (CIVIL3D)

The Autodesk AutoCAD DWG/DXF (ACAD) reader and writer do not use RealDWG and are, therefore, not affected by the issue.



The RealDWG plugin directory is not up to date in FME Flow 2024.2.0, causing an error when attempting to load the module.



Upgrade FME Flow to version 2024.2.1.



If you cannot upgrade FME Flow, there are two additional workarounds that may help.


Replace the Plugin Folder

Before attempting this workaround, ensure that FME Flow and FME Form are the same build. Next, make a copy of the Flow RealDWG plugin folder (<FMEFlowDir>\Server\fme\plugins\realdwg) so you can undo your changes if necessary. After the copy is created, replace the RealDWG plugin folder in FME Flow with the FME Form RealDWG plugin folder (<FMEFormDir>\plugins\realdwg). 


Please note that you will need to have the correct permissions to complete these changes. Copy-paste actions apply the permissions of the user performing the action, not of a service account running the engine.


Use the Autodesk AutoCAD DWG/DXF (ACAD) Reader/Writer

For workspaces handling DWG files containing only 2D data or where primitive 3D data capabilities are acceptable, use the Autodesk AutoCAD DWG/DXF (ACAD) reader/writer as it does not require RealDWG.

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