FME Version
As of FME Form 2025.0, offline documentation will no longer be shipped with the product but will still be available online. FME Form has been using online documentation as the default option for many years. This will help reduce the size of the FME Form installer and the time it takes to install. Additionally, our documentation can be updated outside of the product release cycle.
If the computer on which FME is installed is connected to the Internet, online documentation will be loaded through the Help menu.
If the computer on which FME is installed is not connected to the Internet, documentation will be unavailable, and the user will need to go online to access it, either through that computer or a different computer or mobile device.
Documentation is always available online at
You can view online FME documentation using another computer or mobile device with Internet access. If that is not an option, please contact Safe Software Support for offline documentation concerns or feedback for FME 2025.0 or newer.
If you have FME 2024.2 or older installed as well, please reference the offline documentation through that version.
1 comment
Could I download the whole documentation on my computer and connect FME Form to it, instead of using online documentation?
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