Google Sheets API v3 Deprecation

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson
  • Updated

FME Version


V3 of the Google Sheets API is scheduled to be shut down by Google on August 2, 2021. The deadline for the shut down been extended by Google to allow for additional time to migrate to the v4 API. See here for how to upgrade to the v4 API for FME.


The Google Sheets format that has been included since FME 2015.1 uses this version of the API, so all Readers and Writers that use that format will stop working when the API is shut down. Note that this also affects workspaces older than 2015 that use the Google Sheets predecessor Google Spreadsheets. Google Spreadsheets can be upgraded to use Google Sheets v4. 

To handle this, there is a new Google Sheets Reader/Writer using v4 of the API. This new format is an FME Package downloadable from the FME Hub.

Warning Message

The following message will appear in the log when a workspace using the Google Sheets format is run in FME Workbench or Server:

The Google APIs used by this format have been deprecated. For more information and migration options, visit 

The date this API will stop working was recently updated to be August 2, 2021, instead of the originally planned March 3, 2020.


Replace any existing Google Sheets Readers or Writers within your workspaces with the new version of the format prior to the turndown of the v3 API.

The new Google Sheets Reader/Writer using v4 of the API is now available from the FME Hub to download as an FME Package here, available for use in FME 2019 and newer.

How to Upgrade

  1. Update the existing Google Sheets reader/writer in FME by right-clicking the Google Sheets reader/writer format in the Navigator and select update reader/writer.
  2. Set the format to "Google Sheets v4".If you have not previously downloaded the format, the FME package format will be downloaded automatically.
  3. Add or select a Google Sheets v4 web connection.

Important notes:

  • Reader:
    • If you are using FME 2019 - 2020.0, please review and update your reader parameters as needed.
    • If you are using FME 2020.1+, reader parameters will be preserved when updating.
  • Writer:
    • Please verify writer parameters, specifically the following:
      • Feature Operation parameter: If the writer was previously set to "UPSERT", you will need to change the feature operation parameter from "UPSERT" to "Insert"
      • Row Selection > Row Number Attribute parameter: If you are using a different row attribute for row count, you will need to update this parameter with the appropriate attribute. The default value is set to googlesheets_row_number


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