Esri ArcObjects Error Number '-2147220936': Coordinates Out of Bounds

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson
  • Updated


The following error is encountered when writing to geodatabase:

 ERROR |An error occurred while attempting to add a shape to a feature buffer. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147220936'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {The coordinates or measures are out of bounds.}


The ArcObjects error means you are writing data outside of the extents of your feature class:

- if you are creating a new feature class the geodatabase writer will use the coordinate system on the first feature to determine the appropriate extents (and resolution) for the data. Data outside of these extents cannot be written.

- similarly, if you are writing to an existing feature class FME will use the extents and resolution of the existing feature class. Data outside of these extents cannot be written.


X and Y Values

You can try to explicitly set the origin and scale values in the destination feature type parameters tab:


Note that "X,Y Scale" is the inverse of the ArcGIS "XY resolution".

Z Values

If your source data has z values that are outside of the default range ( z > -100000 by default) try using transformers to adjust or remove the offending z values (such as the 3DForcer).

More information on finding ArcObjects error numbers can be found in Interpreting ArcObjects error codes

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