Data Download Service .ZIP Files Greater Than 10GB May Be Empty

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson
  • Updated

FME Version


When generating very large datasets, you may produce a .ZIP file that does not contain data. Typically this limitation exists for datasets over 10GB.


This may be caused by memory issues when generating the large dataset. It may be possible that the Windows %temp% directory ran out of hard disk space, or a limitation was reached in available system memory, causing the failure.


A few solutions to this issue:

  • Makes sure your hard drive and temp directory has available space.
  • Switch to a 64-bit version of FME.
  • Switch to a 64-bit operating system. This will allow you to take full advantage of the available system RAM.
  • Split your data. For large images, tiling the data into separate files can solve the issue.

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