Tutorial: Getting Started with Augmented Reality (FME AR)

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson
  • Updated

FME Version


Augmented Reality (AR) represents the ability to view additional information overlaid on a live view of the world. Mobile devices such as phones, iPad, and AR glasses provide this view using an AR browser app.

FME AR (FME Augmented Reality) is such an app for mobile devices; both iOS and Android. FME’s AR app is powered by a data format called .fmear.


Screenshot from the FME AR app on Andriod


The FME AR mobile app is still in development, and the articles in this tutorial series may not reflect its current state. The app should not be used in production. The FME AR mobile app for Android has been deprecated; see FME AR Mobile App on Android Deprecation.



Using the FME AR App

Learn how to download and use the FME AR App

Creating FMEAR Datasets from Surface Models/DEMs

A simple tutorial to learn how to create a single-layer FME AR dataset. 

Creating FMEAR Datasets from 2D CAD Models

A complex tutorial to learn how to create a multi-layer FME AR dataset. 

How to Create and Explore Augmented Reality Models for City Infrastructure

Learn how to create an FME AR dataset that represents city infrastructure from a 2D dataset and then view them in their true location within the FME AR app. 



Searching For Planes

If your app is showing the Searching For Planes screen for more than a couple of seconds, the app is unable to identify a flat plane. Try moving your device to point at a flat table or the floor, typically a surface with a bit of texture works better. Sometimes adding a small object in front of the camera helps to identify the plane. 

Converting 2D features to 3D

When working with 2D data, the coordinate system units become critical to note. Some coordinate systems, such as LL-WGS84, express the X and Y coordinates in degrees, while the Z coordinates will be in meters instead. Using a 3D bufferer to create pipes from lines will behave unexpectedly here, as the X and Y units will not correlate to the Z units, and may appear flattened. When performing operations such as buffering or scaling, it is recommended that reprojecting to a coordinate system that uses the same unit for all axis for consistency.

Additional Resources


FME Hub 


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