Missing Coordinate System

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson
  • Updated


A number of coordinate systems appear to be missing from Workbench's FME Coordinate System Gallery, or you can't find one that you expect to see there.


Chances are, some of your coordinate system groups have been hidden.
Another possibility is that your MyCoordSysDefs.fme file is no longer present in your <FME HOME>\Reproject directory, perhaps due to a recent upgrade.


In the coordinate system gallery, click on the Options button at the bottom right. You should get a subform called 'Visible Groups'.
Click 'select all' and then OK. Your coordinate systems should reappear. If this doesn't help please run a blank workspace and send the complete log to www.safe.com/support Make sure you backup your MyCoordSysDefs.fme file before you upgrade FME.
If you notice missing custom coordinate systems, inspect your <FME HOME>\Reproject\MyCoordSysDefs.fme to make sure the correct one is installed, and restore it from backup if it is not.
Note that FME comes with one installed, but all sample definitions are commented out with '#'.
Also, if you have a syntax error in MyCoordSysDefs.fme, FME will not even start.

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