Registration Key or Machine Code is always changing

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson
  • Updated

FME Version

The following article applies to Windows 7 or prior and FME 2018 or prior. If you have a different OS or FME 2019.0+, please go to General Troubleshooting | Gathering System Information to gather additional information to submit to the Safe Support Team . When the FME Registration Key changes, gather the same information again, and re-submit.


For some users, the Registration Key (a.k.a. Machine Code) changes when they reboot the computer. This breaks the fixed (node-locked) license file.



There are a couple of possible known reasons:
1. They are using a VM or Terminal Services. In this case, they should lock the VM to a single machine, or consider a floating license.

2. If they are not using a VM, they may be using a network drive for their installation folder. This is not supported and FME should be installed to a local drive.

3. Use of encryption software (e.g. Symantic Endpoint Encryption). Try disabling the software and observe if the issue persists.

If any of the above are not the cause, then it is the unknown reason that this article fixes.



Install FME 2012 or newer, then:
1. If they're running 32-bit FME on Windows 64-bit OS, open regedit.exe and find the following key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Safe Software Inc.\Feature Manipulation Engine\License]
Otherwise, find this key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Safe Software Inc.\Feature Manipulation Engine\License]

2. Create a new DWORD value under the above key called CRCMask and specify value 2

3. Send us the new machine key from FME licensing assistant, and we'll create a new license file.

If the above steps do not resolve this issue for you, please go to General Troubleshooting | Gathering System Information to gather additional information to submit to the Safe Support Team . When the FME Registration Key changes, gather the same information again, and re-submit.



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