Choosing the Correct SQLite or SpatiaLite Format

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson
  • Updated

FME Version


In FME 2022.0, we have made some changes to SQLite readers and writers. Due to third-party library limitations, usability limitations, and performance limitations, we have deprecated both the Autodesk SQLite Spatial (FDO) and the SQLite Spatial (GDAL) formats, and have replaced them with a single SpatiaLite format [SPATIALITE_NATIVE]. 

The new SpatiaLite format continues to support standard spatial and SQL reading options, such as search envelopes, where clauses, table or view selection, and SQL statements to run before or after the reading data in the reader, as well as standard spatial and SQL writing options, such as template files, dimensions, geometry compression, spatial indexes, coordinate system SRIDs, writer modes, per feature operations, and SQL statements to run before or after writing the data, in the writer. The SpatiaLite reader/writer can work with both spatial and non-spatial data. 

Additionally, we have renamed the SQLite Non-Spatial reader/writer to SQLite [SQLITE3] and added many of the same option and feature updates as the new SpatiaLite format that applies to non-spatial data reading and writing.

Format Changes

New in 2022.0:

    • Spatial support, but can also read and write non-spatial data
    • Reader has a Search Envelope 
    • Writer has a spatial specific section 

Renamed in 2022.0:

  • SQLite [SQLITE3] - Renamed from SQLite Non-Spatial
    • Non-spatial only 

Deprecated in 2022.0:

  • SQLite Spatial (GDAL) [SPATIALITE]
  • Autodesk SQLite Spatial (FDO) [SQLITE3FDO] 

Format Comparison

  Reads/Writes Limitations
  • Spatial
  • Non-spatial
  • Curves/EWKT/EWKB not supported
  • EWKT/EWKB become stroked/lossy when written
  • Non-spatial
  • Geometry blobs
  • Spatial operations are not possible on blobs

When to Use These Formats


Upgrading in FME 2022.0 or newer

If you have authored a workspace in a version of FME prior to 2022.0, but would like to upgrade to the newest version of the readers/writers in 2022.0, you will need to add a new reader/writer to the canvas, as the format does not directly port. After adding the new reader/writer, please remove the older readers/writers before running the workspace. 

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