macOS Catalina 10.15, FME 2020 and Oracle Client

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson
  • Updated

FME Version


The following configuration instructions were tested with FME Desktop 2020.0, 2020.1 for macOS on Mojave and Catalina. These instructions are also needed for the last release of FME 2019 (2019.2.3.2).

In addition, these instructions should work for all previous versions of FME, macOS and Oracle. However, if you do have issues with older versions of FME & Oracle Client on older versions of macOS try the previous instructions found here macOS Yosemite 10.10 to Mojave 10.14, FME 2015.1 to 2019.x, and Oracle.

It is important to note that each time you upgrade a version of FME, for example, 2020.0 is upgraded from 2020.0.1.0 to 2020.0.1.1 these instructions will need to be repeated.  

Note: Oracle libraries are not yet available for the macOS M1 ARM architecture (Apple Silicon), please use an alternative platform such as Intel macOS. 


For the latest version of macOS, please see macOS Monterey 12 and Oracle Clients


  • Oracle Client 12c for Mac or greater downloaded and extracted to a known location

  • FME 2020 (or FME 2019.2.3.2) for macOS

  • macOS Mojave, Catalina or newer


Configuration Steps

1. Download your Oracle 12c Client for macOS (available from Oracle)


2. Identify the location of your Oracle Client files: We will assume for this article that they have been copied to /Applications/OracleClient.


3. Open a Terminal Window.


4. Run the following command to generate required symbolic links for the dylib files. NOTE: "/path/to/" is to be updated in the lines below to point to your Oracle Client files, and must be an absolute path.
NOTE: "2020.0" should be replaced with the version of FME being set up.

sudo sh -c "ln -fhs /Applications/OracleClient/instantclient_12_1/*.dylib* /Library/FME/2020.0/fmecore/"


5. If the Oracle Instant Client doesn't have a libclntsh.dylib file, create one more symbolic link. NOTE: New versions of the Oracle Instant Client will not require this.

sudo ln -s /path/to/OracleClient/libclntsh.dylib.<insert version eg 12.1> /Library/FME/2020.0/fmecore/libclntsh.dylib


sudo ln -s /Applications/OracleClient/instantclient_12_1/libclntsh.dylib.12.1 /Library/FME/2020.0/fmecore/libclntsh.dylib


6. Launch FME Workbench and add an Oracle Reader and test the workspace.


Removing the Oracle Library references from macOS.

The commands above create the following files (libclntsh.dylib may not be present if step 7 skipped).

These files can simply be deleted from the /Library/FME/<2020.0>/fmecore location to remove the Oracle Client configuration from FME on your macOS.  Note: <2020.0> may represent 2019.2, 2020.0, 2020.1, 2020.2, 2021.0 and so on.  These files will only exist if these instructions were used to configure FME with the Oracle Client.

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