FME Version
Errors produced in the FME Server Job Log
The following 3 example errors were encountered when using TNSNames alias and setting the Instance to sde:oracle11g:bpesri in ArcGIS Database Connection Manager.Here is the entry from the tnsnames.ora file:
bpesri = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = bp-esri)(PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = bpesri) ) )
The first "bpesri" is known as the tns alias name. HOST indicates the hostname and the SERVICE_NAME represents the SID or service name of the database instance. Each of the examples shows what the error message might look like when returned by the FME Server Job log (which will likely be similar to FME Desktop. Typically the tnsnames.ora file is placed on each individual system and these can get out of sync between a local desktop system and the FME Server system where you publish workspaces.
Example 1 - Bad Alias or missing Alias in tnsnames.ora file.
Could not open the Enterprise Geodatabase. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147216072'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {Underlying DBMS error[ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified No extended error.]}
Please ensure the connection parameters are correct (server=`bpesri', instance=`sde:oracle11g:bpesri', user=`support', password=`***', database=`', version=`SDE.DEFAULT')
Example 2 - Bad service name with good alias and hostname in tnsnames.ora file
Could not open the Enterprise Geodatabase. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147155559'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {Failure to access the DBMS server}
Please ensure the connection parameters are correct (server=`bpesri', instance=`sde:oracle11g:bpesri', user=`support', password=`***', database=`', version=`SDE.DEFAULT')
Example 3 - bad hostname with correct alias and correct service name
Could not open the Enterprise Geodatabase. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147216072'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {Underlying DBMS error[ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist No extended error.]}
Please ensure the connection parameters are correct (server=`bpesri', instance=`sde:oracle11g:bpesri', user=`support', password=`***', database=`', version=`SDE.DEFAULT')
Other behavior
In earlier versions of FME Server (pre FME Server 2014 SP1) we've seen reports where jobs will just hang on the FME Server system and don't finish... in these instances an error message is never returned in the job log and the job behaves like it never finishes. This behavior hasn't been reproduced in the SP release's of FME Server 2014.
The cause for these error messages is normally related to a bad tnsnames.ora entry related to the hostname, sid or alias name.
Another possible cause is related to the syntax in the tnsnames.ora file. For example a syntax issue in an earlier tnsname entry that causes later tnsnames to be ignored in the tnsnames.ora file. Move the the entry you are working with to the top of the file and you may find it starts working... this would indicate an issue with another tns entry in the file.
The solution to all of these errors is to confirm the TNSNames.ora file in use on the FME Server system is the same or contains the same entries as what is on your local FME Desktop system where the workspace runs properly.
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