Using FME and the Snowflake Database Format

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson
  • Updated

FME Version


The purpose of this article is to give users a high-level introduction to using FME with the Snowflake Database. 



FME Desktop 2020.0 or above and an account at See the Snowflake Doc here for more examples.



Advanced Tips

Did you know you can use the SQLCreator and SQLExecuter to interact with your Snowflake database? This allows you to upload CSV files (PUT) and then load (COPY) that data to an existing database table. (article coming soon)

You can also use the SQL transformers to run the MERGE command against any new refresh data and the existing data to do all the necessary insert, updates, and deletes. (article coming soon)

You can use FME to send data files to Amazon S3 buckets and then make use of SQLExecutor to pull that data from the external stage into your Snowflake Database.



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