FME Version
Let's upload data through the FME Flow (formerly FME Server) Web Interface. Before we run our workspace, we need to provide a CSV file to a workspace already on FME Flow using the Upload File feature.
Step-by-step Instructions
This exercise continues from FME Flow Data Upload: Publish from FME Workbench. Please ensure you have completed this exercise before starting this one.
1. Open FME Flow Web User Interface to Run the Published Workspace
Open the FME Flow Web User Interface and log in using the same credentials that were used to publish the workspace in the previous tutorial. Let’s run that workspace on FME Flow.
On the side menu bar, click on Run Workspace. Set the Repository to Data Upload and select the CheckFieldStatus.fmw for the workspace. From the Service drop-down, select Data Download. The Data Download service will provide a link to download the output dataset if the translation is successful.
2. Upload the Field Status CSV File
In the Published Parameters section, we created the Field Status CSV File parameter in FME Workbench. To upload the file, you can drag and drop the file from your computer, upload files from your computer by clicking “browse file system”, or select a file already uploaded to FME Flow by clicking “Browse Resources”.
Since the CSV file is on our computer, click “browse file system”. The file will then be uploaded to the Temporary Uploads folder in the FME Flow resources.
3. Run the Workspace
The workspace is now linked to the weekendfieldstatus.csv file using a published parameter. After uploading the CSV file, click the Run button on the Run Workspace page.
Once the job has run, a job status page will appear. If the job was successful, a green checkmark next to COMPLETED will appear, and a Data Download URL will be at the bottom.
4. Download Results
Click on the Data Download URL. This will download a zip file containing the FieldStatus.kml file. Unzip the file and open it in Google Earth to view the results; if you do not have Google Earth, you can also view the results in FME Data Inspector.
The next tutorial in this series is FME Flow Data Upload: Resource Files, where we will learn another method for uploading data to FME Flow.
Data Attribution
The data used here originates from open data made available by the City of Vancouver, British Columbia. It contains information licensed under the Open Government License - Vancouver.
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