Open standards allow users to build applications on well-established community-based standards so they can reduce dependence on vendor-based proprietary formats. This allows different applications that conform to the same standards to readily integrate with each other.
Safe Software has made open standards support a central priority from the beginning. The first format supported by FME was SAIF, a predecessor to GML, and inspired the name of the company. In fact, the central vision of Safe Software: maximizing the value of your data through integration, transformation, and automation, which is closely aligned with that of the OGC - Make location information more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR). Safe Software is a Technical Member, regularly attends technical committee meetings, and is an active participant in a number of standards and domain working groups and pilots.
Within FME, OGC standards work as any typical FME format. One big advantage is that the library and standards updates are maintained within FME so typically all that is required to maintain compatibility with the latest versions is to keep FME version up to date.
It’s important to recognize the specific standard being used and select the specific named format rather than a more general version of the standard. For example, if the data is CityGML, it's better to select CityGML rather than just GML. On the other hand, selecting CityGML when in fact the data is just GML will cause problems. On the other hand, there are many types of data that can be read or written by the JSON, GeoJSON, GML, and XML reader/writers. For example, even though we do not have named readers/writers for GeoSciML or InfraGML, data from these formats can be read and written with the standard GML reader/writer, provided the appropriate GML application schema files are used. Also, there are numerous formats based on JSON, GeoJSON, CSV, and text that can be consumed and generated by FME.
When adding a new reader or writer based on XML/GML standards, this often involves a 2 step process. The first step involves setting the dataset and schema path. Often there is a second step that involves a schema scan which then presents a list of available themes or feature types to choose from. The second step can be repeated when importing new feature types to an existing reader or writer. Note that the setting to be used here is called ‘Feature Type Definition’ and this usually needs to be set to ‘Import from Dataset’ whether or not you are importing from the actual dataset or its schema.
For more information on how to work with specific standards, most standards have an associated tutorial to help you get started.
Getting Started Tutorials
Getting Started with 3D
Getting Started with JSON
Getting Started with KML
Getting Started with Point Clouds
Getting Started with Rasters
Getting Started with XML
Intermediate Tutorials
BIM Tutorial
Tutorial: 3D Transformations
Tutorial: Data Validation and QA
Tutorial: EU INSPIRE Initiative
Tutorial: KML Transformations
Tutorial: Point Cloud Transformations
Advanced Tutorials
Tutorial: Creating and Validating IMDF Datasets
Troubleshooting WFS
Other Articles
AIXM 4.5 and 5.1 Reading, Writing and Validation - EU Airports Demo
AIXM Airports to INSPIRE Air Transport Networks
FME OGC Maritime Limits and Boundaries S-121 GML Pilot
Integration example for OGC CSW Data Catalog And Repository with FME Server
Invalid OGC Geometry Examples
OGC CSW Metadata Query
OGC Indoor GML Pilot
Top Questions and Answers
GeometryValidator "OGC Simple Compliant" meaning?
OGC GeoPackage metadata: geometry registered as a common geometry type: "geometry"
Additional Resources
The Importance of the OGC & Open Standards
KML is an OGC Open Specification!
Efficiently Implementing INSPIRE & Creating INSPIRE Mashups with FME
Using Data Integration to Deliver Intelligence to Anyone, Anywhere
XMLathon with Don and Dean
OGC Compliance
Achieving OGC Compliance: GeoPackage 1.2, GeoTIFF 1.1, GML 3.2.1, KML 2.2.0
Formats: OGC Standards
CityGML 1.0,2.0,3.0*, ADE’s | CityJSON | GML 3.3.1*, 3.2.2, 3.2.1, 3.1.1, 2.1.2 | GeoSciML |
Geopackage | Geopackage Tiles | GeoRSS | GeoTIFF |
GMLJP2 / JPEG2000 GML | Indexed 3D Scene Layer (I3S) | Indoor Mapping Data Format (IMDF) | IndoorGML |
InfraGML | KML | LAS | NetCDF |
OGC API Features | OGC WKT | S-121 GML | Simple Features GML |
WaterML | WCS | WFS | WMS |
*partial support - in development
Other Standards
IETF: GeoJSON | EPSG: CRS | PostGIS | Unidata: NetCDF |
Proj6: CRS | OSM | GDAL | DGIWG |
Other Standards' Formats
Adobe Geospatial PDF | Adobe 3D PDF | AIS (NMEA Automatic Identification System) | AIXM, AIXM5.2 |
BAG - Bathymetric Attributed Grid | CARIS NTX | Cesium | CSV |
DTOX Defence Topographic Exchange GML | ERDAS IMG | Esri ArcGIS Online | Esri File Geodatabase |
Esri Enterprise Geodatabase | GDAL formats | GeoJSON | GeoTIFF |
Google Sheets | HDF4 | HDFS | HTTP (web connections) |
JSON | Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Azure | MrSid |
Oracle | OSM Open Street Map | OS MasterMap | MapBox MB Tiles |
MapBox Vector Tiles | NetCDF | PointCloud PCD | Point Cloud XYZ |
PostGIS | R | RSS / GeoRSS | S-57 |
S-101 | Shapefile | SQLite | Tableau |
TerraSolid Terrascan | Terrain Tiles on AWS | Text | TopoJSON |
External Resources
OGC Standards Defence and Aerospace Solutions
Emergency Services Solutions
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