Known Issue: FME Workbench Won’t Start on MacOS

Jovita C.
Jovita C.
  • Updated

FME Version

Known Issue ID FMEDESKTOP-10892
Discovered 2021.2
Affects 2021.2, 2022.x
Resolved Resolved (FME 2023.0 build 23269)



FME Workbench crashes on startup or fails to launch. You may see this if you are:

  1. Using an FME floating license on MacOS and
  2. Using a thunderbolt port for an external monitor, dock, or ethernet connection



The crash may be related to FME on MacOS and FlexLM, our floating license provider.  


This has been resolved in FME 2023.0. To make use of the fix, please update to FME 2023.0 build 23269 and newer.

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