Viewing PostGIS data with an FME Connection in ArcGIS

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson
  • Updated


When previewing a PostGIS table after creating an FME Connection to it in ArcGIS the following symptoms may occur:

- a message "The current selection be displayed as a table" appears
- an empty table appears
- an error about a numeric index appears


To see the table in ArcGIS you must have a unique integer field in your table when writing to PostGIS.


Using SQL Command: Using SQL Statement create a spatial index on the table. See troubleshooting documentation for the commands.
In FME Desktop: Use the "int4" type on the destination schema with "PRIKEY" set for the Index to achieve this. A Counter can be used to create unique values if they do not already exist on your features.

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