Known Issue: Error when FME Server role contains "quotes"

Liz Sanderson
Liz Sanderson
  • Updated

FME Version


In FME Server, if a user is assigned to a role that contains quotes (e.g., "role"), the following error is returned whenever they try to run a workspace:

Found an uneven number of server parms. Must be of the form [-<ServerParmName> <ServerValue>]*

This error will only occur if all the conditions below are met:

  1. The role contains quotes, AND
  2. The user is also assigned to another role, AND
  3. In the request parameters, the role with quotes is first (the order is dependent on user permissions).


This user (visible under Security > Users) will generate the above error if they try to run a job:


Versions Affected

This will affect anyone who migrates from FME Server 2016.x and older to 2017.x or newer, and there is a role that contains quotes.


  1. Log in as a user with permissions to manage Security (by default, the roles fmeadmin or fmesuperuser).

  2. Create an FME Server backup.

  3. Duplicate the role (Security > Roles, click the checkbox to select the role with quotes, click Duplicate) and rename it to something without quotes.

  4. Verify the permissions of the new role and then click OK.

  5. Remove the old role (click the checkbox to select it and then click Delete).

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