If you are submitting a support case to Safe Software, it can be helpful to include workspaces and data to help us troubleshoot your issue. When uploading a file to Safe Software support, the maximum file size allowed using the online form is 5 MB. To upload files larger than 5 MB, the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) site needs to be used. FTP is a useful way to transfer files between a client and a server.
When submitting a support case and you need to share a file with Safe Software, connect to the FTP site and upload the file. The public-facing FTP site shows all of the recent file names that have been uploaded, but for security purposes, these files cannot be opened.
Only the support team at Safe Software can access and download these files. Once someone at Safe has received the file, it will no longer appear on the FTP site.
Since the file names are public, ensure that there is no sensitive information in your file name.
How to Upload to FTP
This article will cover three ways to upload to FTP:
If you are providing more than one file such as data and a workspace, please zip everything into a single file. Additionally, if you have a file that has multiple sidecar files associated with it, such as Shapefile (.shp, .dbx, .shx, etc.) please zip the folder before uploading it.
1. Native Computer Client
In windows, open Windows File Explorer. Then on the sidebar click on This PC. From there, on the top bar click on Computer.
In the Computer ribbon, click on Add Network Connection.
The Network Location Wizard will open, which will guide you through the setup process. Click Next, until you reach the Specify the location of your website dialog. Enter into the Internet or Network Address box.
On the next screen, ensure that “Log in Anonymously” is enabled, as the Incoming folder does not require a username or password. On the next screen, you can use to set a network name, such as Safe Support FTP. Then if you have “Open this network location when I click Finish” enabled, an incoming window will appear, this is where you can paste your file to share with Safe Software.
Be sure you are uploading the correct file as you cannot access it to remove it. Additionally, please remove any sensitive information from your file names. Take note of what your file is named, and enter that into the bottom of the Safe Software Support form so we can connect your file to your support case.
In macOS or Linux, type the following command in Terminal:
curl -T filetoupload.txt
Replace filetoupload.txt with the file name and extension of the file
Be sure you are uploading the correct file as you cannot access it to remove it. Additionally, please remove any sensitive information from your file names. Take note of what your file is named, and enter that into the bottom of the Safe Software Support form so we can connect your file to your support case.
2. Robust FTP client
Besides the native FTP client on your computer, there are additional programs that can be downloaded that add additional functionality to the FTP uploads. This functionality includes uploading on a schedule, adding data to a queue to be uploaded later as well as multiple file transfers at the same time. There are many paid and free FTP clients that can be downloaded, for example, CyberDuck or FileZilla. How to use these clients will not be covered in this tutorial; please refer to their documentation for more details.
Be sure you are uploading the correct file as you cannot access it to remove it. Additionally, please remove any sensitive information from your file names. Take note of what your file is named, and enter that into the bottom of the Safe Software Support form so we can connect your file to your support case.
3. An FME Workspace
Download SafeSupportFTPUpload.fmw from the Files section on this article.
You can also upload to the FTP site using FME! Download the workspace, run it and upload your file. The workspace has been set up with a User Parameter for the file upload. Browse to the file you wish you upload and click OK.
Once the workspace has finished running, check the FTP site to confirm the upload was successful. Be sure you are uploading the correct file as you cannot access it to remove it. Additionally, please remove any sensitive information from your file names. Take note of what your file is named, and enter that into the bottom of the Safe Software Support form so we can connect your file to your support case.
This workspace uses the FilenamePartExtractor transformer to retrieve the name of the file to be used when uploading to the FTP site. Then to upload to the FTP site, an FTPCaller transformer is used, with the URL set to and the Transfer Type set to Upload from File. Then the Authentication Parameters are expanded and the Authentication Type is set to None/Anonymous (this is the default parameter)
There are many ways to upload to the Safe Software FTP site, but these methods are not limited to Safe Software. You can use these techniques for any FTP file transfer.
If you are still having issues uploading your file, please reach out to us through the Safe Support portal.
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