Did the queue priority order change in FME Flow (formerly FME Server)? Is the change only in the Web UI or the backend API?
Yes, queue priority was changed in FME Flow 2023.2 in the Web UI (User Interface), and in FME Flow 2024.0, the backend API was updated as well. This change was made so that the priority of queues is consistent throughout FME Flow. The ‘Highest’ queue priority is 10 and the ‘Lowest’ queue priority is 1.
How does this affect projects?
Project import and system restore of queues created in older versions of FME Flow will automatically map accordingly. See the tables below for mapping.
Queue Priority (in the Web Interface) | Mapped to (Backend API) |
10 (Highest) | 10 |
9 (High) | 9 |
8 (High) | 8 |
7 (Medium) | 7 |
6 (Medium) | 6 |
5 (Medium) | 5 |
4 (Medium) | 4 |
3 (Low) | 3 |
2 (Low) | 2 |
1 (Lowest) | 1 |
Queue Priority (in the Web Interface) | Mapped to (Backend API) |
1 (Highest) | 10 |
2 | 9 |
3 | 8 |
4 | 7 |
5 | 6 |
6 | 5 |
7 | 4 |
8 | 3 |
9 | 2 |
10 (Lowest) | 1 |
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