SchemaMapper Use Case Example

Brian Pont
Brian Pont
  • Updated

Use Case

The attached workspace provides an example workspace showing thirteen different ways to use the SchemaMapper transformer.

The various uses of the SchemaMapper demonstrated in the workspace are:

Type 1: Simple feature type to feature type mappings (1:1)

Type 2: Feature type to feature type where one features maps to many features

 1:M feature mapping based on a source attribute value

Type 3: Feature type to feature type where many features map to a single feature

 M:1 feature mapping

Type 4: Attribute to attribute mapping

 1:1 attribute mapping

Type 5: The same attribute (type) in different tables map to different attributes in the destination feature type i.e.

 Pole/type > pole_type    
 Manhole/type > manhole_type
 Multple entries per attribute, based on feature

Type 6: Attributes in a table map to the different attributes based on the value of the source attribute i.e.

 Pole/type = 1 > pole_type = 1    
 Pole/type = 2 > material = 2
 Multiple entries per attribute, based on feature & value

Type 7: Attributes in a table map to the different attributes based on the value of the source attribute i.e.

 Pole/type = 1 > pole_type = 1    
 Pole/type = 2 > material = 2
 Multiple entries per attribute, based on feature & value

Type 8: Feature & attribute mapping

 Feature to feature mapping 1:1
 Attribute to attribute mapping 1:1 i.e.
 Pole/typeA  > pole_type     
 Pole/typeB  > material

Type 9: Simple attribute value mapping (domain mapping) Requires a separate schemamapper for each domain (basically the idea is that this could be a dynamic ValueMapper)

Type 10: Attribute value mapping

 Attribute to attribute mapping 1:1
 Value mapping 1:1
 type X > A
 type Y > B
 material X > A
 material Y > B

Type 11: Attribute value mapping - for several different attributes for different feature types.

 Attribute to attribute mapping 1:1
 Value mapping 1:1
 Pole type X > A
 Pole type Y > B
 Pole  material X > A
 Pole  material Y > B
 Manhole type u    >  1
 Manhole  type v   >  2

Type 12: Attribute value mapping - for several different attributes for different feature types.

 Attribute to attribute mapping 1:1
 Value mapping 1:1
 Pole  type X > pole_type A
 Pole  type Y > pole_type B
 Pole  material X > material_type A
 Pole  material Y > material_type B
 Manhole type u > manhole_type 1
 Manhole  type v > manhole_type  2

Type 13: Attribute value mapping - for several different attributes for different feature types. attribute to attribute mapping 1:1 value mapping 1:1

 Pole  type X > supportStructures pole_type A
 Pole  type Y > supportStructures pole_type B
 Pole  material X > supportStructures material_type A
 Pole  material Y > supportStructures material_type B
 Manhole type u > AccessPoint manhole_type 1
 Manhole  type v > AccessPoint manhole_type  2

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